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Where can I view my proposal details?

Here's how to access information related to a proposal such as an audit trail of what's been done, clients details, fees and e-mails.

Russell Henderson avatar
Written by Russell Henderson
Updated over 2 weeks ago

For every proposal you create, you can bring up an overview of key information including an audit trail of what has been done with a proposal, clients details, fees, e-mails and selected services. 

Step 1. Viewing Your Proposal Details

From the admin area of your app, go to your proposals dashboard by selecting the Proposals tab.

Find the proposal you require information on. Once located, hover over the row that proposal is contained within and click View Proposal Details.

The proposal details are organised in tabs, allowing you to explore and delve into different features of the proposal.

  • Client details will show you who the proposal has been sent to.

  • Proposal details will provide key information such as the proposal type and period start and end dates.

  • Services Selected gives a breakdown of the fees and services for this engagement.

  • Totals gives you the overall fees.

  • E-mail content shows you the proposal and engagement letters e-mails that have been sent.

  • The timeline gives you a full audit trail of what's been done with a proposal.

  • Docs allows you download the proposal, engagement letter and any OverSuite documents.

You can also manage other key aspects from your proposal dashboard.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us! 😃

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