Connecting GoProposal to Zapier and then to the rest of your ecosystem, is super simple.
1. First you need a Zapier account
2. Head to the Integrations tab within your GoProposal app, select Zapier and turn on the integration.
3. You then just need to copy the API Key
4. Head over to Zapier, setup a Zap and choose GoProposal from the list.
5. Then choose what you want to trigger the Zap, whether that's Proposal Created or the Proposal Won.
6. Select which app you'd like to connect GoProposal to.
7. Then marry up the data from GoProposal to the available option in your destination app. The data that can be pulled from GoProposal is:
Proposal ID
Date Created
Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Email (CC)
Office Phone
Mobile Phone
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address City
Address Postcode
Address County/State
Staff Member
Staff Position
Staff Email
Staff Mobile
Staff Phone
Staff Office Phone
Principle in Charge
Person Responsible
Follow-up Date
Future Goal
Future Goal Date
Please Note
Internal Note
Proposal Status
Proposal Type
Totals Monthly Net
Totals Monthly Taxable Net
Totals Monthly Tax
Totals Monthly Gross
Totals One-Off Net
Totals One-Off Taxable Net
Totals One-Off Tax
Totals One-Off Gross
Totals Annualised Net
Totals Annualised Tax
Totals Annualised Gross
Proposal URL
Acceptance Page URL
Proposal PDF (document)
Letter of Engagement PDF (document)
Line Items (as a list)
The Zap will then be automatically triggered when the Proposal is created or won.
As each Zap is so varied in its possibility, unfortunately we can't support this integration beyond connecting GoProposal to Zapier.
Please be mindful that there may be a few minutes delay in the Zap being triggered.
This integration should give you enormous flexibility.
Have further questions? Contact us in the chat box below.