What is a Basic Check?
A Basic Check does not require any input from the client.
This check can be used if your client does not have a valid ID document, or if you only want to run a PEPs & Sanctions, and address check.
How to run a Basic Check
(Note: before continuing, pleasure ensure you have read and understand our help article here on our AML checks feature works and how to initiate a check)
STEP 1: When you have initiated that you want to run a check, you will then be prompted to choose the check type. Here you want to click Basic Check.
STEP 2: You'll then want to ‘run check myself’
STEP 3: Fill out the client info, then click next
STEP 4: Fill in the address info, then click next
STEP 5: Review the details you have entered for the client, before clicking ‘run check’
STEP 6: You will then be redirected back to the AML page in the contacts profile, where you will see the status has changed to ‘Await Result’
A result should be available within a few minutes
When results are ready, you will see 'Decision Required' in the status column.
You will then need to click the ‘actions’ button and view the report, which will provide you with a PDF download of the findings.
You will then need to choose whether to approve or decline this check.
Note: The status will always show as 'Decision Required' as we are unable to make the decision on your behalf from what the returned report says.
Once decided, the status will update straight away. A renewal date with automatically be allocated for in 12 months time.
If for any reason you need to amend the renewal date for the next check (as you may want to do this depending on your own review timescales or preferences), click the ‘actions’ button again and click ‘change renewal date’.
Interpreting Basic Check results
For support on interpreting results, see our help article here.
What do I do next?
You can find a breakdown of all the different check status' in the Contact Hub home page.
Change this to the specifics of what status you’re wanting to look at.
I need some support
If you're in need of some technical support from the GoProposal team, please reach out to us via the chat box below.
If you're in need of some support with the Thirdfort app, or have a query about the results of a check, please reach out to Thirdfort using one of the below channels.
Email - [email protected]
Phone - 0161 768 0083
Thirdfort Support Hub