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How Do I Display Fees as A Section Total in My proposal
How Do I Display Fees as A Section Total in My proposal

The sub totals per section feature will let you display the total fee for a section in your proposal, rather than a breakdown or total only.

Russell Henderson avatar
Written by Russell Henderson
Updated over a year ago

On your proposal, you might want to display the total fee for a particular section as opposed to a breakdown of the fees per individual service. 

To do so you'll want to enable sub totals per section..

Explainer Video

How To Set-Up

Step 1.  Enabling the feature

Login to your GoProposal app and go to Configure > Pricing Tool Set-Up. 

Scroll down and place a tick in the box beneath section sub totals.

Step 2. Setting your preferences

Once you've enabled the feature, go to configure > line Items to set your default preferences for each section.

Each section will have a drop down giving you choice over how to display your fees. You can still override these when you create a proposal if need be.

Save your settings when you're done.

Please Note

If you are using this feature and are integrated with Quickbooks or Xero, you'll want to associate an account code to the section to track the revenue.

Previewing Your Changes

You can preview your changes by creating a proposal, completing the details and scrolling down to the Preview section.

In the example above, Self Assessment is now quoted as a total for the section since this was set up in Step 2. 

Overriding Default Settings

You can still override the default preferences you set up at the beginning when you create a proposal.

Step 1. Create a proposal 

You'll want to create a proposal as normal and hit get calculation.

Step 2. Click the Subtotal view toggle to override the default settings

By the side of each section you will see a toggle which allows you to override how you want to display the fees for those sections.

This will show the breakdown of fees by individual line item.

Step 3. Preview your proposal

Scroll down the page and preview your proposal to check the changes you have made. 

Discover More!

>> Understanding the calculation interface

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