The AppsMap™ feature is designed to support you in placing your accounting business as an app authority and expert. More on how this works here.
Watch the video below and use the steps in this article to get fully setup!
Explainer Video - How It Works And Setting It Up
Step 1. Design Your Maps Skeleton (Categories, Name and Wheel)
Login to the admin area of your app and go to Configure > Pricing Tool Set-Up. Select the AppsMap tab on the left hand side.
Enable the AppsMap feature..
..and now you can get started 👍
Name and Description of AppsMap™
Define the title of your AppsMap and the description that will appear in the proposal.
How Many Categories
Do you need 4 or 8 app categories? Resulting in a 4 spoke or 8 spoke wheel.
AppsMap Categories™
Define your own names for these categories by editing the defaults.
You can drag categories above one another using the crosshair. Whichever category appears at the top will appear at the top of your AppsMap wheel.
Additional categories will then be presented clockwise from here.
Editing Your Categories
Editing a category gives you the ability to rename it to whatever you like. We've provided a starting point by pooling together names of popular app categories in Xero, Quickbooks and App Advisory Plus.
Next steps
The next (and final) step is to assign apps to these categories from your line items 😅
Step 2. Assigning Apps to Line Items
We need to assign AppsMap content to individual line items, so that we can create a bespoke wheel for every client, no matter the tech stack they need.
First, head to Configure > Line items
👆Make sure that you have all the apps you may deliver to a client as line items first. It's a nice idea to place these in their own software and subscriptions section.
Assigning your Apps
From within a line item, click the AppsMap Icon to get started and tick add app icon.
This will bring up the fields required to set your AppsMap up...
AppsMap™ App Category
Choose the category you'd like to assign this app to from your list (set up in Step 1).
App Icon
Choose the icon you'd like to use from our library. We've uploaded over 50 however if you can't find the one you want, you can request this from us.
Preferred Position
Note: The centre circle should be reserved for your Accounting Software such as Xero, Sage, Quickbooks or FreeAgent.
Choose the position in your AppsMap you'd like this app to appear when chosen in the proposal.
If you choose two apps to appear in the inner circle within the same category, then the system will assign these alphabetically.
Preferred Flow of Data
Choose which way you'd like the arrows to point in your map.
Data flows away from the accounting software towards the app
2. Data flows towards the accounting software from the app.
3. Data flows both ways
Disable line item pricing
If you would like to recommend apps to your client but aren't going to be involved in setting this up for them, you might wish to disable the pricing for the app. This way, you can still recommend it and include it in your map.
Next steps
Testing it out... Step 3.
Step 3. Testing it Out
The AppsMap will be generated when you create a proposal and select the Apps you have set up in Step 2. You can preview your proposal to test this out.
If you choose to put an App on the roadmap when creating your proposal, it will appear in the map as a recommend app as opposed to a service you are delivering.
Key Points
You are limited to two apps per category, so when creating your proposal be mindful of this.
If you find yourself commonly offering more than two apps for one category, you duplicate this category and assign the apps across the duplicates as per Step 2.
You can return to your AppsMap page (from Step 1) to see which apps are now associated with which categories.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us in the chat box below! 😃