Need to locate a specific proposal or get an overview of how many proposals you won in a set time period? There are various ways you can filter your proposals to find what you are looking for.
Filtering Your Proposals
Follow the steps below to understand how to filter your proposals.
Step 1. Head to your proposal dashboard
Log in to the admin section of your app and go to your proposal dashboard. At the top of the section there you will see all the options you have to search for the right proposal.
Step 2. Determine your main search criteria
The next thing you should do is determine your main search criteria. You can see the options in the screenshot below.
The core determining criteria are:
Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Proposal ID
Step 3. Determine any filters you need
You will then have 8 filters to choose from to determine what other criteria your search will be based on, as highlighted below:
Choose from:
Live: Has been sent, but is not yet a won or lost proposal.
Draft: Has not yet been sent and is in draft.
Lost: Has been marked as a lost proposal.
Won: Has been signed, approved, or manually marked as won.
Any: All of the above.
Choose from:
Proposals: Normally assigned to new clients or for a new project with a current client.
Renewals: These are for fee reviews with current clients.
Extra work orders: Additional work for a current client that takes place throughout the year, but does not want a separate proposal.
Any: All of the above.
This filter lets you filter by date, with 7 different options, including a custom date range.
Follow up
Choose from:
Next 7 days
Next 30 days
More than 30 days
This filter will be based on all staff members you have as users in GoProposal.
Principle in Charge
This filter will be based on all principles you have in GoProposal.
Person Responsible
This will be based on all people that have been assigned as the person responsible on a proposal in GoProposal.
Documents Included
This filter lets you filter proposals that are sent with a proposal and letter of engagement, a proposal only and a letter of engagement only.
Step 4. Hit enter or the filter button
Once you have made your choices, select filter from the right hand side of the bar, or just press enter if your cursor is clicked on the main search bar:
Exporting The Data
You can export the results of your searches using the export to CSV button at the bottom right of the page.
This will email you a copy of the data you need.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us! 😃