If you are an OverSuite Subscriber, In GoProposal you can generate a number of key documents, including:
Disengagement Letters
Professional Clearance Letters
Authority Letters
Commission Notifications
Third Party Notifications
Service Schedule Change Addendums
To access this all you need to do is go to the Proposals tab, and click on the Proposal details section. You will need to hover over the proposal in question to see the details:
When in this tab you will then see the Docs tab:
When you click in this section you will see all of the key documents for this proposal:
Within here you will then have the option to generate or download all of the key OverSuite Documents. The download button will download the documents as a PDF, or you can regenerate them using regenerate button. This will prompt you to fill in all the key fields associated with this document to make sure you have everything updated as required. At the bottom of each pop up once you have completed the key fields you will see the button to download the document.
For the disengagement letter feature, you can see how this works in a little bit more detail below:
Professional Clearance and Authority Letters will both prompt you to fill in the First Name and Last Name details of the previous accountant:
The commission Notification will prompt you to fill in these key fields:
And the Third Party Notifications fields will look like this:
Service Schedule Change documents can be downloaded any time there has been a change to a service schedule, for example as part of the OverSuite quarterly review process.
These have been designed to give you a simple way to download and e-mail your client a PDF notifying them of changes, without needing to re-issue the full Engagement Letter.
Simply let us know which service has been updated (you'll be notified in your Quarterly Review e-mail), and download your addendum.
If you have any questions at all on this article please just ping us a message in the chat!