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Why Isn't My GoCardless Working?
Nuala Turnbull avatar
Written by Nuala Turnbull
Updated over a week ago

When using GoProposal and GoCardless, there are a few key areas to check to ensure your client has filled out their DD Mandate form.

Where do I start?

The first place to check is your GoCardless settings within the app. To do this, head to Settings > Integrations > GoCardless.

Here you can check which template the mandate has been connected to, and if this has been presented to your client during or after acceptance.


If you have configured this to during, to check if your client has filled out their details head to the signing link on the proposal via your emails.

Select 'Approve my proposal' and you will be able to see if the mandate details have been filled in, and if the client has signed their proposal.


If the mandate form is presented after acceptance, the best place to check is within your GoCardless account.

On GoCardless you can check to see if a client has been created.
If yes = they've filled out the form, if no = the form hasn't been filled.

A client has been created in GoCardless and still nothing?

When filling out the DD Mandate form, your client may have selected for more than one person to authorise DD's on their bank account.

If this is the case, your clients account in GoCardless will have a grey dot beside it indicating that further action needs to be taken for this to change to an active status.

FYI: If you are connecting GoCardless to Xero, ensure this is connected to 'GoCardless for Xero' and not 'GoCardless in Xero'.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us! 😃

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