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Create a proposal

How to use GoProposal to create a proposal for a prospect or client.

Jack Choppin avatar
Written by Jack Choppin
Updated over 7 months ago

Once you have your system configured, it's easy for any member of your team to create a proposal and letter of engagement. You can then email these documents to prospects to read through and sign electronically.

📌TIP: Those who see the most success with the software use it live in the proposal meeting, to collaborate on services and fees with their clients in real-time.

Step 1 - Create proposal

First, you have the option to search a contact that you have imported into the Contact Hub that will pre-fill the Company and Primary Contact details for the client/prospect automatically.

You can also select a package template to use that will preload services for you.

Within the Basic Information section you want to capture a few details such as the proposal template you'll be using alongside the letter of engagement. You then need to select the annual revenue range for the client, as well as input a start date and financial year-end date to determine the use of the Alignment Fee.

Select the services you'll be providing by working through each section that can be used live and collaboratively with a client/prospect.

The system will then prompt further questions about services which determines the scope.

You can also add services to the roadmap which pull through to the proposal PDF for you to upsell and refer back to for the client to consider in the future.

Step 2 - Get Calculation

You can choose to show a full breakdown of the services and all costs associated to each.

You also have the option to change the billing cycle from the default option of 'Monthly' to 'Annualised.'

The alignment fee will be pulled through for proposals dated less than 12 months for services such as Annual Accounts & Corporation Tax which are calculated over 12 months.

Step 3 - Complete Proposal

Within this final section you need to input the client company details, alongside the primary contact details.

The additional signatories box can be used for instances where you have multiple people that need to sign the proposal and letter of engagement.

Follow-up dates can be inputted to arrange that next call or meeting with the client if they are not looking to make a decision then and there.

The key dates table is a useful feature to to set start dates for when you will be commencing work on a service so you are not assuming liability. Alternatively, you can set deadlines for information along with filing deadlines that you can hold clients to account for.

Finally, you can save the proposal as a draft to make further amendments. You can find this in your proposal dashboard. Alternatively, you can send it if it's ready to send.

What's next?

To start this process you'll want to make sure you're happy with the pricing in your system and that you have your main Engagement Letter in there.

Take a look at our Getting Started guides if you want a step by step guide to getting your first proposal out. You can also view our instant kickstart clips to give you a helping hand.

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