You may have deleted certain sections and line items that you'd like to restore, or may simply wish to review your current pricing using our pricing wizard as a guide.
We have developed a nice way for you to do this using our import feature.
Explainer Video
How To Re-Import Line Items
Please note: re-importing your line items won't effect any previous work or pricing and imported line items will be added to the bottom of your line items page.
Step 1. Go to Configure > Line items
Login to the admin area of your app and navigate to your line items page.
Step 2. Select Global actions
Step 3. Select Import Line Items
Step 4. Decide which sections you'd like to re-import
You can choose to import individual or multiple sections using the '+' button next to each section. Doing so won't impact any of your previous sections or line items.
Once you've made your choices, hit 'import sections'.
Step 4. Importing your sections
You will be taken through our pricing wizard and prompted to answer a few basic questions about how you price specific services.
Our algorithm will then merge your answers with the methodologies we have developed alongside the smarts of other accountants, to provide you with a list of services and fees for these sections!
These fees can then be nudged up and down as you see fit.
Just select "OK" to continue..
..and answer the questions..
..before agreeing and importing the sections.
Step 5. Viewing your imported sections
Any sections you import will be added to the bottom of your line items page, so scroll down to view them and review the content! Any previous work will remain intact.
Discover More
How to configure your line items
If you have any questions, please reach out to us in the chat box below! 😃