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Can I disable the pricing for apps in my AppsMap?
Can I disable the pricing for apps in my AppsMap?

Sometimes you might want to recommend or display an app in your AppsMap, without charging for it. Here's how you can do this.

Russell Henderson avatar
Written by Russell Henderson
Updated over 11 months ago

Note: Click here if you'd like to understand how our AppsMap feature works and how to set this up from scratch.

Why Disable Pricing For Apps in My AppsMap? 

You might want to include specific apps in your AppsMap as recommendations for your client or to simply show them the full tech stack you'll be using for their business.

You can disable the pricing for these apps so that they don't contribute to the fees. 

How To Disable Pricing for Apps?

Step 1. Go to Configure > Line Items 

Apps you will include in your map are assigned to individual line items, so that when that line item is selected in a proposal it is included within the AppsMap.

Step 2. Edit the line item 

Edit the line item associated with the app you want to configure

Step 3. Disable your line item pricing

Navigate to the 'AppsMap Icon' tab..

..and check the box to 'disable line item pricing'

Step 4. Save your line item

What Happens Next? 

When selected in the proposal, this app will no longer contribute to the total proposal fee, appear on your calculation interface or in the table of costs in your proposal.

Related Articles

>>  How the AppsMap works
>>  Setting up your AppsMap

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