Note: If you're looking to get your AppsMap setup for the first time, click here.
Editing Category Names
Step 1. Go to Configure > Pricing tool-setup
From your pricing settings, select the AppsMap tab on the left hand side.
Step 2. Find the AppsMap Categories™
Step 3. Edit category
Step 4. Rename
We've provided some ideas by pooling together names of popular app categories in Xero, Quickbooks and App Advisory Plus.
Step 5. Save
You can preview your changes by creating a test proposal.
Deciding How Many Categories to include in Your AppsMap
You can choose to include 4 or 8 categories in your AppsMap from the AppsMap page within your pricing tool setup.
Just toggle between the 4 or 8 spoke wheel below AppsMap categories.
Related Articles
How does the AppsMap work?
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