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Set up Auto-Invoicing from GoProposal to QuickBooks
Set up Auto-Invoicing from GoProposal to QuickBooks

Enable GoProposal to send invoices through to QuickBooks each month for your clients. You can also overwrite existing invoices.

Russell Henderson avatar
Written by Russell Henderson
Updated over 12 months ago

Explainer Video - Auto-Invoicing with QuickBooks and GoProposal

What Is Auto-Invoicing?

Integrating GoProposal with QuickBooks means that each time a proposal is accepted, GoProposal will send details through to QuickBooks to generate the invoice for your client.

You can learn more about setting this integration up here.

By default these invoices are sent over to QuickBooks once, meaning you will want to go into QuickBooks to mark invoices as recurring.

To reduce the amount of admin time your team need to spend managing invoices, GoProposal can drive the sending of these over to your QuickBooks account each month.

This means that if you make a change in GoProposal, the invoice is automatically handled for you in QuickBooks.

To make this possible you just need to set up Auto-Invoicing...

Step 1. Enabling Auto-Invoicing

From the admin area of your app, head to Settings > Integrations > QuickBooks.

On this page, you will be able to choose what you want the trigger to be for your monthly invoices.

👉 Repeating Invoices in QuickBooks

Repeating invoices will be triggered through QuickBooks. After a proposal has been accepted, the first invoice will be set up and you would need to go into QuickBooks to set this up to be recurring.

👉 AutoInvoicing from GoProposal

Invoices will be automatically generated in QuickBooks for you each month from GoProposal. This uses GoProposal to drive the invoices into QuickBooks each month, which means that if you make a change in GoProposal, the invoice is automatically handled for you in QuickBooks.

How do I switch this to Autoinvoicing?

Within Settings > Integrations > QuickBooks, select the toggle to change this from 'Repeating Invoices in QuickBooks' to 'Autoinvoicing from GoProposal'.

Step 2. Decide on your Invoice Settings

From your QuickBooks integration page, you can decide which day of the month you would like invoices to be sent across to QuickBooks if accepted.

If you would like these to be automatically e-mailed to your clients on these days, then check the box 'automatically e-mail monthly invoices to clients'.

If you would like to ensure the first invoice is sent to your client on the date the proposal is accepted, rather than the day set in the settings above, then check this box.

This will work in any situations where the proposal is accepted after the date chosen in your settings. For example, if a proposal is signed on the 2nd February, it has a start date of February but the date set in your settings is the 1st.

*Please note that if the proposal has a start date in the future, for example it is accepted in February but has a start date of March, then the first invoice wouldn't go out until March.

All other recurring invoices after the first would then go out on the day set in the Integration settings.

Step 3. Save your Settings

Make sure to save your changes once you're done.

Click here to learn about other invoice settings you can control on this page.

Using The Auto-Invoicing Feature

Moving forwards, every accepted proposal containing a monthly amount will be sent to QuickBooks each month for that client (provided you have assigned or created a QuickBooks contact for that proposal).

You will have a new invoices dashboard where you will be able to see all existing invoices that have been sent to QuickBooks through GoProposal. Here you can view, Sent, Due and All Repeating invoices.
Any invoices that are set up as repeating invoices will be within the Repeating Tab.

From your all repeating tab you can also edit details of existing clients on your invoices. For example if a client notifies you of an address change or change of e-mail for invoices to go to.
You can also delete existing invoices to stop them from repeating.

You can edit names, addresses, and send these details over to Xero on your next invoice.

Overwriting Existing Invoices

If you are producing an annual fee review or mid year extra work order for a client, the monthly amounts on those invoices may change.

GoProposal can handle these changes automatically once you have Auto-Invoicing set up.

When creating a proposal, opt to replace the repeating invoice for an existing proposal and then type the proposal ID into the empty field.

Auto Invoicing With Key Dates

Monthly invoices set up using Auto-Invoicing will sync with start dates assigned to services using Key Dates, click here to learn more.

Example: If the start date of your proposal is June, and the Key Dates start date July, the service won't kick off until July.

What happens with One-Off Invoices?

Proposals signed which contain one off costs will trigger one-off invoices in QuickBooks which will sit separately to your monthly or annual recurring invoices.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us in the chat box below! 😃

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