Note: Click here if you'd like to understand how our AppsMap feature works and how to set this up from scratch
Changing The Position of an App in the AppsMap
Every category within an AppsMap can have up to two Apps.. can define the position that you would like your apps to take in these categories.
(Note: you can change the position of the overall category by tweaking your AppsMap characteristics)
Changing The Position of An App
Step 1. Go to Configure > Line Items
Apps you will include in your map are assigned to individual line items, so that when that line item is selected in a proposal it is included within the AppsMap.
Step 2. Edit the line item
Edit the line item associated with the app you want to configure
Step 3. Disable your line item pricing
Navigate to the 'AppsMap Icon' tab..
..and specify the 'preferred position' of this app by clicking the relevant circle.
You can choose between the centre circle, inner circle or outer circle. This is how your choices would transform in your map.
Step 4. Save
Save your line item once you're finished. Just be sure to make the changes you now need to any other apps you have in this category.
Discover More
>> Setting your AppsMap up from scratch (including setting up your categories).
>> Changing icons in your AppsMap
If you have any questions, please reach out to us in the chat box below! 😃