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How can I send the 'WAHOO' e-mail to more than one staff member?
How can I send the 'WAHOO' e-mail to more than one staff member?

Team members who create proposals will be sent confirmation of signed letters of engagements. You can include other staff in this e-mail.

Russell Henderson avatar
Written by Russell Henderson
Updated over 2 weeks ago

What Is The Wahoo E-mail?

When your letter of engagement is signed, the staff member who created the proposal will receive an e-mail to let them know.

You might want to ensure another team member, or general admin address is included in these e-mails every time. Here's how.

Sending The Confirmation E-mail To More Than One Person

You can do this within your letter of engagement settings.

Step 1. Go to Configure > Letter of Engagement

Login to the admin area of your app and go to your Letter of Engagement Types, which will bring up all of your letter templates. More on these here.

Step 2. Select the e-mails tab

Step 3. Scroll down to the staff e-mail content

You can also define the client and staff e-mail content from here.

Step 4. Use the additionally e-mail to field to add other staff members to these emails.

If you add more than one team member, then please ensure these are separated by a comma.

Step 5. Save your changes

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