In some cases, you may be agreeing to do work for your client for the remainder of their current financial period but also previous years.
The alignment fee only generates a catch-up payment for the current financial period, where the difference between the start and end date of the proposal is under 12 months. This is to ensure you don't lose out financially on services you provide annually.
However, there are ways to ensure you can include fees for previous years in GoProposal.
One Proposal Solution
One Proposal Solution
If you'd like to cover the current financial year along with any previous years work in one proposal, create a line item for any previous years financial work. You can then set this as a one off cost.
You can use calculations to factor in the number of months, or anything else you need.
📎NOTE: The alignment fee will still be calculated for any annual work agreed for the current financial year as long as
The start and end dates of the engagement are under 12 months
You have enabled it for the service in question
Two Proposal Solution
Two Proposal Solution
Some people prefer to issue a separate proposal for previous years' accounts work.
Using this method, you can use the annualised costs feature to offer a discount or price increase to your client for this work, depending on whether they're going to pay upfront or not.
📌TIP: You can add project names to proposals to help your clients and team distinguish between the work being agreed.