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Alignment fee doesn't appear in my proposal
Alignment fee doesn't appear in my proposal

What to do if you're expecting the alignment fee to show but it isn't.

Russell Henderson avatar
Written by Russell Henderson
Updated over 6 months ago

The alignment fee is a great way to ensure you don't lose out financially on services you charge annually. For example, year end accounts, even if you're charging a monthly fee for those services.

Sometimes you may expect the alignment fee to appear in a proposal but it doesn't.

Below are some checks to make.

Is the difference between the start and end date in your proposal under 12 months?

The alignment fee only applies where the difference between the start and end date chosen in the create proposal tool is under 12 months.

This is because a catch-up fee is only required when you bring a client on board mid-way through their financial year, but charging them monthly for an annual service.

📌TIP: If you're trying to do a proposal for a previous year's accounts or tax work and then include services for the current financial year too, you'll find the following guide useful - How do I charge a catch up fee for previous years' accounts plus a monthly fee going forwards?

Has the Alignment Fee been applied to the proposal template you are using?

By default, we apply the proposal to new client proposal templates only. If you're using any other proposal template, you need to make sure the catchup fee is enabled for that template.

  1. Click Configure, then Pricing Tool-Set-Up.

  2. Click Alignment Fee.

  3. You can type in any additional templates needed beneath Apply to which proposals.

Has the Alignment Fee been applied to the line items you were expecting?

By default, we only apply the alignment fee to Annual Accounts and Directors Tax Returns line items.

This is because these services require 12 months of work no matter what, and are billed monthly in your default setup.

  1. Click Configure, then Pricing Tool-Set-Up.

  2. Click Alignment Fee.

  3. Type them in beneath Apply to which line items.

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